
Friday, November 6, 2009

How To Make Money Online - 3 Basic Steps

How To Make Money Online

Step 1: Setup a Web site
Making money online is the same way you make money offline. In the real world, people setting up shops or business sites to sell their products or services. The concept is similar with online business, but with a greater height of advantages. It is border less; people all around the world with Internet access can visit your web sites and buy your products or services with just a click. Hence, the number of your client is much bigger than opening up an ordinary offline business. Therefore, you got to have your own web site to make money in the Internet. If you want to get a free ready made web site, you can register for FreeSiteSignUp. The web site that you have is basically to sell or to promote your own products or other people products.
I have a site that helps people start making money online. So it is really convenience for beginners who are starting out on the net. I create my income with affiliate marketing, products information, and help others learn how to make profit online doing the same thing.

Step 2: Advertise Your Web site
How to make money online requires advertising which is basic marketing. There a lot of ways to advertise your web site whether it is online or offline. The common way to advertise is through the use of Pay -Per -Click advertising. There are also other ways that does not cost you anything such as article marketing or you can just advertise your web site URL offline and people will eventually go to your site (it is the oldest trick in the book). You can think up your own ways to advertise your web site.

Step 3: Maintain Your Web site
The last basic step to make money online is maintaining your web site. Maintain and improve your web site to the fullest. Make it better and better to get bigger traffic. Improve your web site so that people are convinced and eventually become your happy customers.

About the Author:
Donald Daleng is an active Internet Marketer from the island of Borneo.
Click Here to learn more on making money online or visit

Article Source: - How To Make Money Online - 3 Basic Steps



How To Outrank Your SEO Competitors - Search Engine Watch (SEW)

How To Outrank Your SEO Competitors - Search Engine Watch (SEW): "

Clients and readers often ask why a site that's younger, smaller, or just plain "uglier" outranks them. There really isn't a simple answer. More than a few times I've had to say, "I don't know." But there are some things to take into consideration when a competitor is outranking you. Addressing these issues could be the catalyst for your Web site moving up into those coveted top spots.

Content Is King

No -- I didn't coin that phrase, but the number one reason for getting outranked by a competitor: better, and much more, content on their site. Don't forget your content needs to be original, unique and relevant.

More pages will not necessarily make you rank. We're talking about more text. Do you have an all Flash Web site with little text to feed the search engine bots? It may be a flashy classy slideshow. It may be much more aesthetically pleasing than your competitor's site.

If the search engines, though, can't spider (define) your site to determine how relevant your page is to a particular query, you're not going to rank well for that query. That's not to say you can't use Flash, just wrap some text around it -- or work around the problem.

Support System

In travel, my particular niche, many of our clients' competitors are part of a huge chain of Web sites with vast numbers of pages. The pages for hotels in New Orleans aren't relevant to the pages for hotels in New York City, but if all those pages live on the same domain, they lend power to all the pages on the site.

A 10,000 page site is going to have a much easier time ranking for a particular keyword phrase than a 10-page site, particularly if they're using that keyword phrase in their on-site optimization in the correct manner.

Architecture is the Path to Good Rankings

How is your site constructed? Do you have well thought out navigation and easy to understand "paths" through your Web site. Users and search engine spiders use your architecture to learn what your site is about.

The more pages the spiders can reach, the more "credit" you have for having a lot of content related to phrases. Think about the user navigating your site and make sure relevant content is linked together, and irrelevant content is not.

Age of Domain

Domain age is a bit more controversial. For the most part, age isn't a factor; with age comes content. If your competitor has a site that's been around for seven years -- with thousands of pages -- you'd need to build content like crazy to compete. A huge site built on a poor platform with poor architecture will be easier to outrank. Easier, that is, if you build your site the right way. Don't forget to consider what your competitors are doing when you build and market your Web site.

Links, Links, Links

You'll never rank well without good links coming into your site. That relates back to content, architecture, and users. Obtaining good natural links depends on having content people are interested in and willing to link to. You're going to have to do the legwork here.

New sites don't just naturally acquire links. You need to go out and ask for them. This goes back to my article on participating in blogs and forums that relate to your online "neighborhood." If you're looking to build links on your own -- be sure to check out what the SEW Experts have to say each week in Link Love. Along with links and natural link building comes authority.

If you can show your readers and the search engines that you're an authority on a subject, and you provide the best information on any given topic, you're going to do well. Search engines make money and retain users by delivering the best information first. So if you fit the bill, you're going to rank better.

Fight in your Weight Class

Sometimes ranking for a term is easy; sometimes it's hard. It depends on the competitiveness of the keywords and size of your site. Don't overreach. If your 20 page Web site is competing for an uber competitive keyword against a 10,000 page site, you're in for a world of hurt. Don't bite off more than you can chew.

There are many reasons a competitor may outrank you. If you analyze and determine which reasons may be contributing factors, you can tackle the problem and make sure you're doing what you need to do to rank well. Evaluate the competition before you even start with a Web site. Competitive analysis saves you the trouble of catching-up to competitors and making expensive changes to your site and content in the long run.

How To Outrank Your SEO Competitors - Search Engine Watch (SEW)


7 Cool Ways to Make Money With Google Adsense

7 Cool Ways to Make Money With Google Adsense: "7 Cool Ways to Make Money With Google Adsense: '

Google Adsense

The Google AdSense program has been known to be probably the most generous pay per click company, when it comes rewarding their publishers for their efforts. Not only do they pay them well, they look to even expand their ideas and make almost every aspect of the Internet profitable. And here today, I’d like to introduce some of the creative ways to make money with Google AdSense, that you may have never heard before. Who said that there was only one way to make money with a Google AdSense account?

Participate in Forums

If your an active member in a particular forum, check to see if they give some percentage of the revenue to active participants. A great forum that allows users to have a split end of the AdSense revenue is the Digital Point forums. Not only is this a great way to make money, it helps to encourage members to continue to socialize more with the community they love.

Incorporate AdSense Search

Got a website that has search functionality? Well, you can make that feature of your site profitable as well as make user experience enjoyable. Users will find the content they want and get to view relevant ads as well, which means more money for you. You can think of AdSense search like your own mini search engine.

Incorporate AdSense Ads to Your Feed

If you can make money off your website, why can’t you make money with your own web feed? With the features that Google includes in Feedburner, they make it possible for webmasters to maximize their profits with not only their site’s content but their feeds as well.

Write Articles

With generous article collaboration sites like Hubpages and Google Knol, who pay you to write articles with ads powered by Google AdSense, you can get your good share of profit whenever readers click an ad or view an ad. The more viewers your articles attract, the more money you make. Essentially, writing articles is great credibility wise as well as one of the great ways to make money.

Become a YouTube Partner

Like the idea of making money off making creative entertaining videos? Ever seen one of those Google Ads pop up whenever you were viewing a video off YouTube? Well, if you qualify to become a partner, whenever a viewer clicks or views an ad, you make your share of money. Especially if your videos are videos that are intriguing, they can really spread quickly like wildfire and make you a lot of money virally. Also, as an extra bonus, if any webmaster decides to embedded your video on their site, you even make money off the viewers from their site as well because the ads basically follow the YouTube video. The ways to make money by being a YouTube partner, is simply relentless.

Make Money Off Socializing

You like the idea of making money off socializing with people across the world with sites like Flixya? Flixya has it all and they pay 100% of the ad revenue to you! Whether you are there to share videos, photos, or just to make your own personal blog, you can be making money with them just by doing what you love, socializing!

Start Your Own Website

Got something intriguing to say that will inspire many to read about the stuff you have to say? Whether it be about cars or just about your personal life, anything goes. Google AdSense makes it possible for any webmaster to make money with their own personal website. If you have ever thought about starting up your own website, this may be your chance to make money online while writing about something you love. Starting your own website and making money off it for the first time, is of course a rewarding feeling that you will never forget.

Read our article on How to Make a Website and Make Money Off It.


12 Complimentary Guides on How to Make Money

12 Complimentary Guides on How to Make Money: "12 Complimentary Guides on How to Make Money: '

A quick list of sources which talks about the ways on how to make money inside out. These publications were chosen editorially.

6 Sources on How to Make Money (Corporate Publications)

25 (Unusual) Ways to Make Quick

This read really offers ideas that anyone can apply inside or out. If one technique doesn’t work, just move onto the next idea.

How to Make Money Online –

No doubt that now even app developers can be making millions if their product becomes a hit. This read supplements how one can turn a simple hobby into something unimaginable.

Make Money Online (Without Spending a Dime) –

One of the classical reads on how to implement money making online with various ideas like Blogging, making money off web 2.0’s like Hubpages, and etc, without spending a dime.

How to Make a Million Dollars –

A really touching read on stories of successful household millionaires. Has some really inspirational advice that about anyone should read, such as, “Find your strengths” and “Do whatever it takes.”

6 Easy Ways to Make Money Online –

A short, well put together overview on how to make money with any website or blog with just affiliate marketing.

Top 100 Freelance Blogs -

Isn’t really a guide but rather serves as a great resource for freelancers who simply want to connect and find sites to help them find even more projects.

6 Sources on How to Make Money (Blogger Publications)

Ways to Make Money Online: A Guide –

A really great overview of what one can really do to strategize in money making online. Maki really dives in when she describes the multiple ways to money online.

How to Make Money From Your Blog –

A really great read that is down to earth and really specifies money making with blogging in depth. It is a read that any beginner should read. Steve really dived deep in this one.

How to Make Money With a Website –

A really delightful read for any beginner wanting to learn how to make money online with a website. Lisa shows step by step tutorials that about any newbie can do. Her site is really down to earth as well.

How to Make Money –

Has some really basic concepts on how to make money online by investing with knowledge in mind.

28 Ways to Make Money Online With a Website –

A really large complimentary list on the ways you can be making money online with your website. Shows a large list of networks that any website can join to simply make money.

Make Money Online: 100+ Tools and Resources –

A well put together list of tools and networks that any webmaster can join to monetize their site or blog.

If you have a source to share as well, simply use the comment form below to share what publication you recommend personally.


5 Quick Money Making Ideas

5 Quick Money Making Ideas: "5 Quick Money Making Ideas: '

light bulb

Money making is always a concern for anyone who wants to live a normal life without having any limitations. Ideas for money making can come in plenty of shapes and sizes, and here, I’d like to illustrate just 5 ideas. There are of course more than 5, but bare with me. You may also suggest your money making ideas as well on the comment form below.

Start a Joint Venture

Whats a joint venture? A joint venture is the business term that people commonly use when they are talking about a partnership that have combined thinkers to prospectively progress their business altogether. In most cases, joint ventures are formed simply because there may be some qualities that other businesses may have, that you do not, which both businesses can benefit from, like the Microsoft and Yahoo partnership against Google.

Start Your Own Network

Ever thought of starting your own network of affiliates? This prove to be a very resourceful method of getting constant income without having to do anything literally, if your network is already built and is reputable. The hardest part of starting your own network is the initial start. Once you pass that, and affiliates start joining your network, that is where the money comes pouring in. This is sort of like a long term business plan, but nonetheless, it can be very effective in terms of money making.

Construct Your Own Website

Online money making cannot be any easier. With all the networks and advertisers wanting to advertise on any relatively good site that has great content to offer, you can be literally making money after the first couple of weeks. Although making a website may be repetitive and tedious at first, (Coding) it can really pay off. New to making a website? Read our article on How to Make a Website and Make Money Off It.

Create a Community

Although, this may be somewhat the same as Constructing Your Own Website, starting your very own community can be both profitable and helpful despite what people may say. There are many paths you can choose to starting your own online community. With forums, with social networks, blogs, and video sharing networks like Youtube, the possibilities are endless. One thing to note is that, community building should be your first priority before ever offering affiliates offers. Over promoting can be rather bad.

Make Money Off Craigslist

Start making money with the world’s number one free classified ad network. Craigslist is particularly every freelancers dream. There are plenty of legitimate companies waiting for respondents to fill their duties, and they are willing to pay at a standard rate too. Not only can you profit from their job board, but you can also make money off the free stuff as well. About every now and then, you might see something go up for free, a couch, a tire, a car door, whatever, it is money in your eyes, and you can resell it for a small sum. Companies are even willing to pay for metal parts, so don’t count out the worn down, beat up car door, because it can be like finding an extra $50 off the ground.

A lot of company liquidations happens there too, which can be very profitable as well when resold. Freshen it, repaint it, add some parts, and it is practically good to go, and if I should say, it is good for the environment as well.


12 Ways to Make Money on the Internet

12 Ways to Make Money on the Internet: "12 Ways to Make Money on the Internet: '

picture of money

I’ve been doing a bit of digging through my bookmarks in my Google Chrome web browser, and I’ve noticed that I’ve bookmarked about twenty resourceful links to help monetize a website in particular, and I thought to my self, why not make a blog post out of it? Sure why not. So, out of that twenty sites that I bookmarked, I picked 11 I thought were important and so, I would like to share.

  1. Google Adsense – Google’s publisher’s program is one of the better incentivized program out there that pays probably the most in the PPC market.

  2. Chitika – Chitika is probably known as the second best PPC program right after Google’s publisher program, Adsense.

  3. Clickbank – Clickbank is simply a must for any serious affiliate marketer. This is a must for any serious Internet marketer as well.

  4. Shareasale – Shareasale is one of the better affiliate networks that simply pay publishers to do the required action. Whether it be per sale, per lead, or per click, they deliver your money.

  5. Opinion Outpost – Opinion Outpost is one of the legitimate survey panels out there that actually paid good for survey takers.

  6. Ipsos I-say – Ipsos I-say is also one of the better free paid survey panels out there as well. Get our free complimentary list of the free survey panels here.

  7. Associated Content – Have a thing for writing? Make it profitable. Build up a community of readers and get paid per impression/article.

  8. Blogger – Start your own blog and simply display your ads as well as attract readers with your content. Appeal to both sides of the menu.

  9. BuySellAds – BuySellAds is a great place to simply sell ad spots or banners to advertisers who are interested in advertising on your sites. The community is really great as well as straight forward.

  10. Ebay – Everyone probably have already heard of Ebay. Simply auction off merchandises or stuff you keep in your storage to make some extra money.

  11. ProStores – Start your own ecommerce site and start selling your products online. Make it an extra source of revenue and make your store international for the world to see.

  12. Google Adwords – Adwords, the potential lead magnet in terms of generating sales, you can be making money off leads from Google’s advertising program, Adwords, if you got a great webpage that converts of course.

Try each method one after another. If you find one that fits your personel, simply continue doing it, and you could be making money online instantly. Experienced any one of these programs listed above? Share your stories and your experiences with us. We enjoy hearing them!

Related Posts:

  1. 3 Top Paying Paid Survey Panels And My Earnings
  2. 9 Ways for Kids to Make Money
  3. 9 More Easy Ways to Make Money and Work at Home



9 Ways for Kids to Make Money

9 Ways for Kids to Make Money: "9 Ways for Kids to Make Money: '

Washing LemonsWho says that your kids can’t make money, and that it had to be devious? Do they got a hobby that they love? Good, because they can earn extra income simply by doing what you love, their hobby as well as with their life skills.

1. Pet Sitting

Pet setting is a great, fun clever way to earn money on the side. Are your kids good with pets? Got a neighbor who has pets? Consider pet setting as their part time job, or simply call it a hobby and let them earn on money on the side. Don’t leave your kid’s pet loving skills to waste!

2. Baking

Although baking is an overly suggested method, it is because it works! Baking a fresh batch of cookies is a great way to build in revenue as well as help give your kid an image of how a motor and bricks business sort of works. It is a good practice overall and the income in the end of the day, can be juicy.

3. Arts & Crafts

If your child is creative, why not sell those pottery and antiques that your kid made to make money? If it is of course, okay with the child, it is great method to earn extra money for organized fundraisers from reputable districts.

4. Help the Elderly

There are plenty of people looking for someone to simply babysit their grand parents, and kids can do that job and as well as enlighten them with their bright faces. Got a responsible little child? They could be fit for this job and the income from it can be satisfactory.

5. Sell Candy & Treats

This is probably the most regularly used method among little kids. They simply buy a huge pack of candy and sell each individual one for a buck each. This really help to emphasize the business of dealing and receiving profit in return. In the end of the day, your child earns a satisfying income as well as have an idea of how a business may run.

6. Paid Surveys

Kids can also be great survey takers on the Internet as well. Who said a kid couldn’t make money off the Internet? To enroll your child to take paid survey from panels that we recommend, you can view them here.

*Parents must sign up with under there name and give parental consent whenever a paid survey is directed to a child.

7. Forgo Selling Toys in the School Yard

This can range from many categories. From Yu-gi-oh cards to Pokemon cards to even Hot Wheels. They all can be traded off or sold for some profit to their friends. I remember these were the popular necessities as a child and other children were willing to pay or even trade for certain cards/items. It was small market, but it had potential to earn.

8. Start a Lemonade Stand

As well as selling treats, this help to give your child more of the idea of profiting from business and more. The profits can be juicy as were the lemonade your child was serving.

9. Become an Assistant

You’d be shocked at how many people are looking for a helping hand from a little fellow. This can be just a “go to” guy that simply gets papers and just copies out papers from the printer to just taking out the trash. That sort of thing. It is pretty reliable and inspirational as well to see your child working at such a young age. Kids have many capabilities these days to earn money that back in the day, we didn’t have as a child, and you could utilize that fact.

Related Posts:

  1. 9 More Easy Ways to Make Money and Work at Home
  2. 12 Ways to Make Money on the Internet
  3. Ways to Earn Money Online to Ways to Earning Money Offline

